The small, medieval hill town of San Gimignano [we pronounced it like the names "Sam, Jim, and Yano" quickly strung together] was one of the stops on The Best of Tuscany Tour. San Gimignano is another UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its medieval architecture, especially its remaining tower houses, which were originally built as symbols of wealth and power.

We spent over an hour in this town admiring the architecture and surrounding countryside, visiting the Museo della Tortura, and sampling interesting flavors of gelato at the world famous Pluripremiata Gelateria Artigiana. We learned a couple of valuable lessons here: 1) we should stick to our favorite flavors when ordering gelato [side note: did you know lavender gelato tastes like perfume?] and 2) we should always carry a few coins in the local currency to pay for public bathroom privileges. Take note, travelers!

Next time we'll stay in San Gimignano overnight and see how the town transforms after the tourists leave for the day. It must be a romantic place at night!

View our other stops in Tuscany HERE and HERE.


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